Monday, February 25, 2013

Chapter 7 "Supprting Student Production"


            While reading chapter 7 “Supporting Student Production”, I learned many new things based on this new form of learning. I liked how the chapter implemented all the different levels of tasks and activities that could be used inside the classroom. However I found it difficult to visualize the complex of some production tasks and the accessibility provided to students in the class with learning challenges and defencies such as English learning students.



            Although the benefits of student production could be very beneficial in the learning environment I am confused on how production tasks used through technology could benefit all students. How could you implement activities based on these circumstances? How could a teacher assess a students’ progress?

            One production task I recall completing in middle school was a task where our class had to create pamphlets/brochures to make it appealing to a tourist. I plan to use a creative production assignment like this as well in my classroom

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