Monday, February 25, 2013

Chapter 7 "Supprting Student Production"


            While reading chapter 7 “Supporting Student Production”, I learned many new things based on this new form of learning. I liked how the chapter implemented all the different levels of tasks and activities that could be used inside the classroom. However I found it difficult to visualize the complex of some production tasks and the accessibility provided to students in the class with learning challenges and defencies such as English learning students.



            Although the benefits of student production could be very beneficial in the learning environment I am confused on how production tasks used through technology could benefit all students. How could you implement activities based on these circumstances? How could a teacher assess a students’ progress?

            One production task I recall completing in middle school was a task where our class had to create pamphlets/brochures to make it appealing to a tourist. I plan to use a creative production assignment like this as well in my classroom

Monday, February 18, 2013

Supporting Student Creativity


Chapter 5” Supporting Student Creativity”


           Chapter 5 “Supporting Student Creativity” was filled with many interesting topics related to student’s creativity. While I believe that forms of technology can benefit students in the classroom, I feel it shouldn’t be used in every aspect of a students learning and development. Although using technology tools could assist students to explore new ideas that technology offers, I simply dislike the concept of involving it with student’s creativity as well as critical thinking skills. I feel that technology could be used for students to enhance some learning areas but when coming to creativity there should be more real life hands on activities provided.


Further Clarification

               Although integrating technology into the classroom to support student’s creativity is a great idea, many students develop these skills at different times than others. With that being a factor in classrooms, how should teacher implement creativity into the classroom environment for all her students.

Classroom Connection

               While I never knew the correct term for the “creative thinking process”, I have observed this technique being implemented several times while completing my observation hours. The teacher usually starts the lesson with a brief introduction/warm-up, secondly identifies the lesson, and finally followed with the actual lesson. It’s amazing how this process affects students and their overall learning when introduced with a new lesson.




Monday, February 11, 2013

Supporting Student Critical Thinking

While reading chapter 4,” Supporting Student Critical Thinking,” I learned many new and interesting facts. I learned that critical thinking helps younger students with higher thinking and effective decision making, not only inside the classroom but outside as well.  I also was intrigued by the role critical thinking plays with individuals in regards of meeting other learning goals, such as their level of communication and creativity. I really enjoyed reading this chapter because it informed me on how important critical thinking skills are in the development of young children today.


               Although teachers play a major role in students learning, I still need more clarification on how teachers don’t necessarily teach the concept of critical thinking, however, teachers support and coach these skills by utilizing technology to assist with critical thinking.

Classroom Connection
               One classroom connection I found in chapter 4 was the idea of “media literacy”. According to the textbook, media literacy means students are able to evaluate and make good decisions about what media present such as on the internet. I had the opportunity to complete an activity using media literacy just this week. In Ms. O’Keefe synchronous class I was able to recognize validity and reliability of websites through a group activity called “Bad Apples”. Since this activity was both informative and fun I plan to implement it into my future classroom as well.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Supporting Student Content Learning

Supporting Student Content Learning


I really enjoyed reading chapter 2 “Supporting Student Content Learning”. I loved the way this chapter highlighted interesting and key facts while providing many textual examples that I could relate with. One thing I liked in particular was the way the author gave multiple definitions of what content learning and knowledge really is. According to the text, researchers and educators divide this knowledge area into three distinct categories: declarative, structural, and procedural. I also enjoyed how the chapter explained how content learning takes places in the classroom. For example, declarative knowledge consist of identifying and labeling specific items and events, while structural knowledge ties pieces of information into categories or schemes and procedural which is based on knowledge of how to complete a task. I really enjoyed this chapter, there was nothing I found that I disliked.


Classroom Connection

As the book stated, I too have seen the classroom and its physical arrangement placed in many interesting setups. According to the chapter, the classroom design could be detrimental to effective teaching and integrating technology into the classroom. I plan to apply this principle of finding the appropriate setting to meet my students and classroom needs.