Discovering the Text
While reading chapter one I discovered many new and
interesting things. I liked this chapter in particular because it gave me an in-depth
overview of what instructional technology really is. Although this chapter gave
great insights and information I feel it lacked actual examples of how teachers
integrate this concept into their classroom .
What do you think teachers need to know about supporting learning with technology and why they need to know it?
I think teachers need to know innovative ways to integrate technology effectively into classroom instruction when it comes to learning with technology. I also feel that teachers need to have expertise about the technology they choose to incorporate in their teachings and how to engage all students with both an educational and fun curriculum. I also feel they should stay current with technology outside and inside the classroom so they can achieve a more diverse learning environment.
What role do you believe technology should play in education?Why?
I believe technology should play a major role in today's education. Educational technology should be developed and used as a positive enrichment for students of all ages and different learning styles. Including technology into the classroom environment I believe grants students an opportunity to become more involved in their learning instruction. I also feel that having technology in the classroom is an excellent idea because it makes learning more enjoyable, fun, and different while still meeting educational standards.
What is your theory of how people learn?How does your personal theory affect how you plan to teach?
I believe that the best way to learn effectively is through hands on instruction. Through hands on activities in the classroom I feel gives students the actual skills needed to master and grasp lessons. My personal learning theory therefore, has a huge affect on how I intend to teach in my own classroom. Instruction in my classroom will be filled with educational group assignments, games and other student- centered learning lessons, Instead of being a traditional teacher that only teaches, I would be more of a facilitator- type of instructor, being equally involved as my students.
What ideas do you already have about using technology in your instruction?
I plan on including technology inside my classroom as much as possible. I plan to use technology to assist in the everyday functions of a teacher such as (taking attendance,delegating classroom chores) as well as apart of my lessons. I also plan on successfully running my classroom by integrating the innovative smart board and computers/ipads into my teaching.
What are your goals in taking this course and what do you hope to accomplish?
My goals in taking this course is to become more familiar with all the vast technology available today. I plan to display mastery sills so I can integrate educational technology into my own classroom one day. I hope to accomplish all the necessary steps needed to provide a fun and unique learning environment for all my students
Chapter One: Understanding Classroom Learning and Technology Use
I loved that Chapter One of the textbook highlighted the concept of learning with technology rather than the sole focus of learning technology itself. This perception therefore shows the overall importance of integrating technology into the learning environment. One thing I thought was interesting was the effectiveness of technology in the classroom depending on the actual learning environment and not on the technology itself. Another thing that was interesting to read was the current legislation of No Child behind Left Behind, which requires every student to be technically inclined by the end of their eighth grade year. This just further illustrates the current direction technology is headed in regards to today’s classrooms. I really cherished the idea of classroom technology being geared to all students, despite individual differences, such as learning barriers or language backgrounds. Instead of being only designed for an average child, I liked that modern technology is being intended for even students who are visually impaired. This displays that everyone can be involved in a fun classroom lesson.
Classroom Connections
Just like Mr. Vincent fifth grade classroom in the textbook (page 19), I too will also implement using fun computer software and interactive whiteboard lesson for educational and hands on curriculum. I would also use the concept of integrating enhanced learning activities into my own classroom. I also would ensure that assistive devices and electronic tools (touch screens, screen magnifier) was available for all my students learning needs.
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Mr. Avery's Class
Kristina I really like that you put questions before answers in your blog. The only thing I would mention doing is place image credits to your images on your blog. Your blog is very through in your thoughts! Awesome job on being creative! I think you are going to make a wonderful teacher because you will teach various methods and concepts. At what age did you decide you wanted to be a teacher?
ReplyDeleteHello Kristina, your reflection of chapter one was very informative. I too believe that effectiveness in the clasroom is depends on the learning enviornment and not technlolgy. I also beleive that your blog is very apealing based on the brifgt layout and intreuging post. I too have the same layout